Publishing is rapidly progressing from being a paper-based to an online industry. Publishing your material on the Web has many advantages over the printed format, including instant updates, reduced material costs, and the ability to reach a wider audience more quickly.
With Slingshot, our customizable templates allow you to maintain the look and feel of pre-existing printed materials, meaning you save time and money by not having to start from scratch. There is no limit to the kind of material you can create in Slingshot: brochures, manuals, whole texts... and with our multi-media galleries, you can also upload graphics, PDFs, Flash files, even videos.
Slingshot allows you to easily translate your material by giving you access to up to six different languages; and because it's online, your translators can conveniently work offsite. You're also given access to a staging site when you opt to use Slingshot, reducing costly mistakes by allowing you to preview and tweak your content before releasing it live.
The publishing industry is changing, and we've built Slingshot to change with it. There are no limits to the flexibility of this application, yet it is easy-to-use and cost-effective. Contact GryphTech today to find out how Slingshot can meet your publishing needs.